Open House to Celebrate Florissant Valley Historical Society’s 60th Anniversary, Oct. 26

The Florissant Valley Historical Society will celebrate its 60th anniversary with an open house at Taille de Noyer on Sunday, Oct. 26, from 1-4 p.m. There is no admission charge for this day only.

The four floors of this 200-year-old house will be open. The lower level contains Florissant artifacts, including one of the early gas street lamps. The first and second floors are furnished as the house would have been during the years it was home to the Mullanphy descendants. The third floor houses the costume collection.

Antique mugs and bottles will be on display on the lower level. The bar and back bar are from the Wiethaupt Saloon that was located in what is now the back room of Dooley’s Florist.

The saloon was forced to close during prohibition and never reopened.

The bar was stored in the back until the general store that occupied the front of the building closed in the early 1960s. Bar fixtures along with some of the other store fixtures, were donated to the society by the Albers Family.

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