Hazelwood Elementary Special Programs Now Offering All-day Title I Classroom

The students in Michelle Holmes’ all-day Title I classroom sat in a circle on the rug. They reviewed shape flashcards before discussing some of the things they do with friends.

Title I is a federally-funded free kindergarten readiness program. Acceptance is based on the test scores of the most academically at-risk students.

“The Hazelwood School District is very excited about the opportunity to pilot this full day pre-K programming,” said Bobbi Zigrang, director of federal programs and early childhood education.

“Up until now, we have only been able to offer half-day early childhood classes. We think full-day pre-K programming may be as crucial as full-day kindergarten in getting children started on a pathway of academic success,” Zigrang continued.

“Play and share!” became a familiar refrain in the class as Holmes prompted the students to come up with other ideas. Holmes kept an oversized list of the items they came up with that she told the class she would hang up so everyone, including visitors, could see them.

The kids came up with items such as – fish, play tag, play cards and play soccer.

“Here, the students get the experience of what a full-day kindergarten room is like,” Holmes said. “This is their first taste with a large group of kids; it’s a new experience for them. It also allows them a lot of one-on-one time for learning their letters, numbers, colors and counting. I also think the all-day class makes them think more.”

Holmes said she makes sure her English Language Learners are included in the activities as well.

“Overall, the program is going very well,” Holmes said. “Their knowledge and retention levels have increased.

“We will collect data on an on-going basis,” Zigrang said. “We want to ensure the successful implementation of this pilot program so that we can continue to expand our full-day programming.”

(story courtesy of Hazelwood District Communications Dept.)

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