Flood Victims Tell Florissant Council MSD Isn’t Helping

Several Florissant residents came to the city council meeting Monday to ask for the city’s help with the recent flooding, saying that the Metropolitan Sewer District (MSD) has not been helpful.

Several residents had sewage back up in their basements after the recent mid-September storm. Councilman Keith English said that he would work with residents to file a lawsuit if MSD did not respond to them.

Lou Jearls, director of public works, addressed the council. He said that MSD had sent letters to residents who had sewage in their basements. The letters said that MSD would not be responsible for damage caused by the sewage.

Jearls said he talked to the director of MSD, who assured him that he would review each case. “If something is wrong, they’re willing to step up to the plate and do what’s right.”

Mayor Robert Lowery added, “If they are responsible for backup in the basement, they will fix it.”

English said his worry was that MSD wanted to review each case individually. “I’m worried that their plan is to divide and conquer,” he said. He said he had received three different statements from three different people at MSD. “I don’t believe anything MSD is saying,” he said.

English said the $2,500 that MSD was offering was a “slap in the face for people with ten to $20,000 of damage.”

English said he would help organize a lawsuit for residents. He said the city could not provide an attorney or funding, but a private group could file their own suit. His worry, he said, was that “if someone can’t fight MSD, they’re out of luck.” He said that if MSD had not responded with a solution, in writing, in seven days, he would begin organizing a lawsuit.

“This mayor goes down and speaks to the commission,” Lowery replied. “I am representing you extremely well and we don’t need any grandstanding.” The mayor had issued a statement saying anyone having backup problems to contact Mrs. Nikki King with the Federal Emergency Management Association at (314) 839-7618.

Keith Tedrick told the council that his basement had flooded in 1005 and in 2002. In both instances, he said, MSD admitted fault. “Now it’s not their fault,” he said. He said that MSD told him it was not responsible for overland flooding. “It wasn’t overland flooding; it came up from the drains,” he said. He said the water was obviously from the sewer. “This was black, stinky water,” he said. Tedrick said that although he has insurance, it won’t cover all of his expenses. “There’s a lot out of pocket,” he said.

Jaclyn Chergivayer said that she had five feet of sewer water in her basement. She said that she, also, had insurance, but it did not cover all her losses. Her furnace, air conditioner, and hot water heater all needed to be replaced, and while insurance covered those items, it did not cover her washer and dryer or the fixtures in her bathroom.

She said she also lost several items she was storing in her basement, including some furniture that had been in her family for several years, and an extensive Barbie collection she was saving for her daughter.

Resident Lucretia Jones had a similar story. She said she had over $30,000 in damages. “The check from the insurance company covers the furnace, hot water tank and some of our drywall,” she said. It did not cover her freezer, which was full of food, or her children’s clothes and toys, she said.

Lowery said he would continue to talk to MSD to resolve the situation.

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