County Issues precautions, recommendations

Residents Urged to Help Combat

Growing Mosquito Population


Heavy rains followed by hot weather have caused the local mosquito population to flourish. The Saint Louis County Department of Public Health is urging residents to take precautions to help combat mosquitoes and prevent mosquito bites.

“Although serious cases of local mosquito-borne illnesses in humans are rare, it is still important to minimize our exposure,” said Dr. Faisal Khan, director of the public health department. “We can do this by eliminating opportunities for mosquitoes to breed and multiply and by protecting ourselves by using repellants.”

Among the communicable diseases carried by mosquitoes are West Nile virus and Chikungunya. So far this year, no human cases of West Nile virus were reported in St. Louis County (one mosquito has tested positive). Two travel-related cases of Chikungunya were reported, but both were contracted while traveling outside the area.

Steps to limit the mosquito population and reduce the chance of being bitten are are:

  • Remove all standing water at least once a week. This means draining water from garbage cans, buckets, toys, flowerpots, wading pools, pet dishes, and other objects. The water in birdbaths should also be changed at least once a week.
  • Keep gutters cleaned out, and repair any tears in door and window screens.
  • Check flexible drainage pipe from downspouts. It holds water and provides an excellent breeding site for mosquitoes if not properly sloped when installed.
  • Remove unkempt vegetation to eliminate breeding and resting areas for mosquitoes.
  • Wear long-sleeved shirts, long pants, and light colors when outdoors.
  • Spray clothing with repellents containing DEET or picaridin.
  • Place products containing the active ingredient methoprene or Bti (Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis) in birdbaths or ponds to prevent mosquitoes from developing.

The Saint Louis County Department of Public Health’s Vector Control Services Program routinely collects mosquito samples to help determine where to direct control efforts, focusing on species that carry disease. The program also monitors and treats standing water in public areas. To find out where the county will be spraying, call (314) 615-4-BUG (615-4284) for the nightly mosquito-spraying schedule. For more information on mosquito prevention, contact the County Vector Control office at (314) 615-0680 or visit the Saint Louis County Department of Public Health’s website:

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