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Read More‘Mass’ Vaccination Site Coming to North County at Florissant Valley Community College
Dr. Page announces location of appointment only facility:
No Walk in or Drive Through available at Florissant Valley campus
Stating that St. Louis County is working to get more vaccinations available , County Executive Sam Page announced the location for the first mass vaccination center will be at the Florissant Valley Community College campus. It will be an appointment only facility with no walk-in or drive- through options. Dr. Page said the county officials felt like it was important to get the location announced as soon as possible. More details will be announced once the county has more information on when it will get the vaccines.
Missouri is currently ranked last in the percentage of residents who have received their first dose of the vaccination. www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2020/health/covid-vaccine-states-distribution-doses/ )
With a new presidential administration taking a significantly more active role in vaccine distribution, the hope that more vaccine doses will be coming to local governments like St. Louis County is high.
St. Louis County has ramped up capacity quickly, and has the person power and ability to give 4,000 vaccinations per day at its facilities. However, thus far it has received just over 5,000 doses of the vaccine in total as of last Friday.
County health leaders and County Executive Sam Page say the County’s biggest priority is to get as many people vaccinated as possible as quickly as possible, and as doses are delivered to the County they will be given to people ASAP.
Dr. Page has announced that the county’s first mass vaccination site in North County will be announced later this week.
Individuals and family members can pre-register for the vaccine with the County at 314-615-2660
More than 350,000 people are registered with St. Louis County to receive the COVID 19 vaccines.
Page urges people to help distribute this information to their neighbors, friends, and community members who might not have easy access to the internet. They can call the registration hotline at 314-615-2660.
Again, the state of Missouri is tasked with managing the vaccine rollout and distribution, and determines what groups are eligible to receive the vaccine and when. The state’s website, https://covidvaccine.mo.gov/ , contains information about vaccine eligibility.
The vaccine categories the state has created are defined in more detail at the state’s website: https://covidvaccine.mo.gov/priority/ but in general are as follows:
Phase 1a (patient-facing healthcare providers and long-term care facility residents and staff) (People in this category are eligible for vaccines now.)
Phase 1b (high-risk individuals between ages 18-64; individuals 65+; first responders; essential workers)
Tier 1: First responders and emergency workers (People in this category were eligible for vaccines as of Jan. 15.)
Tier 2: High risk individuals, including those with pre-existing conditions and anyone 65+ (People in this category were eligible for vaccines as of Jan. 18.)
Tier 3: Individuals who “keep the essential functions of society running.” Examples provided by the state include teachers, childcare workers, transportation systems, and food and agriculture.
Phase 2 (disproportionately affected populations and those at increased risk, such as prisoners and unhoused individuals)
Phase 3 (all other Missouri residents)
Regardless of the phase and tier you are in, you can preregister with the Department of Public Health at this link: http://bit.ly/38Q86pI, by emailing dphcovidvaccine@stlouisco.com or calling 314-615-2660. When you are eligible for a vaccine and there is supply available, you will be notified.
Mass vaccinations are needed. DPH is awaiting additional information from the state on vaccine supply as well as how federal funding for vaccination efforts might be distributed in order to facilitate the rapid expansion of sites. Follow DPH plans and guidance on stlcorona.com.
Private Vaccinators: Pharmacy companies such as Walgreens and CVS will work to vaccinate those who work and live-in long-term care facilities as part of a national contract that is being managed at the federal level.
Everyone is encouraged to get the vaccine as soon as you are able. Once you have been vaccinated you are 95% protected against COVID-19. It’s been described as “PPE at a molecular level.” But it’s estimated that between 75%-85% of Americans will need to be vaccinated for us to reach herd immunity.
Tackling vaccine hesitancy is important. The vaccines have been rigorously evaluated, are proven safe, and are proven effective.
The Missouri Department of Health and Human Services has created a website addressing frequently asked questions and providing more detailed information about the vaccines. (https://covidvaccine.mo.gov/facts/)