Family Theatre Series Opens Season With ‘The Gruffalo’ at FCC

Whether their favorite food is roasted fox, owl ice cram, scrambled snake or Gruffalo crumble, audiences eat up this delectable tale about the adventures of a clever little mouse in a forest full of predators.

London’s Tall Stories Theatre Company has once again “transformed a well-loved story into an exuberant, funny show.”

“The Gruffalo” will have performances at the Florissant Civic Center Theatre, Parker Road at Waterford Dr. on Friday, Oct. 17 – 7:30 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 18 and 19 at 2 p.m

The St. Louis Family Theatre Series will open the 2008-2009 with this adaptation from the Blue Peter and Smarties Gold Award-winning book, The Gruffalo as it follows Mouse into the deep dark wood on a lunchtime hunt for hazelnuts.

Armed with just a nut map and a very vivid imagination, Mouse runs into the smirking. Wheeler-dealer Fox; an eccentric, retired Woodland Air Force General Owl; and the maraca-shaking, party animal Snake. Rather than becoming the main course of their next meal, Mouse kills their appetites with stories of an imaginary monster friend. Little does this clever critter know but Mouse will have to escape the jaws of this faux protector as well. Tall Stories vibrantly reinvents this delightful tale through its signature style of bold, multifaceted storytelling.

All seats are $7.00 each and can be obtained by calling 314-921-5678 or

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