City of Ferguson Receives Notification Concerning Recall Efforts of Mayor James Knowles III

Ferguson received notification today that the recall petition submitted for Mayor James Knowles III, lacks the required number of valid signatures according to the St. Louis County Board of Election Commissioners. The petitioners turned in signatures to the City of Ferguson on Wednesday, May 28. The St. Louis County Board of Election Commissioners began verifying all signatures on that same day.

According to the Ferguson Charter Section 8.4 the Ferguson city clerk must complete a certificate specifying the insufficient number of valid signatures and provide notice to the petitioners’ committee. The committee has two days after receiving the certificate to file its intent to file an amended petition with additional signatures. Those additional signatures must be filed within ten days.

“We understand the rights of the petitioners and their recall efforts,” said Ferguson Mayor James Knowles III. “But for as long as I am Mayor, I will continue to work with Council and Staff to bring together the citizens of Ferguson, and to move our community forward with the many reforms and initiatives that we have been working on for several months.” added Knowles.

According to the City Charter, if a petition is certified insufficient and the petitioners’ committee does not elect to amend the petition with additional signatures, the clerk shall promptly present the certificate to council and the certificate shall be a final determination as to the sufficiency of the petition.


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