Rams Due to Win One Of The Next 2 Games


Well it was a good weekend for the Rams as they did put up an “L” in the loss column, that’s because they didn’t play. You look around the NFL though and see some of the big upsets over the weekend and the Rams could be right back in this thing with a few wins. Its hard to believe, but a change of attitude with the team in coaching could and I do mean could make a big difference.

I am hoping that Jim Haslett comes in with a strong arm and scares these guys into performing. I think as a coach you have to be a players coach but also a leader and I think at this level its got to be sometimes a fear leadership. If you are not going to perform after being paid this much money to do so, see you later. We can talk about this all day long but we will have to wait and see what happens on the field against Washington and Dallas. I think the Rams will win one of the two, probably the Washington game.

With the Rams bye week last weekend, I was fortunate to be asked to be the emcee of the Rams Quarterback club which held a luncheon at Rams Park. The event was really cool as fans were able to take tours of Rams Park Facilities and listen to Coach Jim Hannifan and Howard Balzer speak about the team and season. If you are a Rams fan, take a look at this organization, its really neat for you and your family. It will give you a chance to be up close and personal with a lot of things you probably wouldn’t be able to. The web address is www.stlqbclub.com.

2008 Turned Out Not to be Cubs Year

How sweet it was for many Cards fan to sit back and watch the Cubs get it handed to them. I was so sick and tired of hearing about the way the Cubs were going to win it all when we all knew that they would fall apart. But not even I thought they would get destroyed the way they did. I just sat back and had a huge grin on my face. However, I think many Cards fans would have pulled for the Cubbies if they had actually made it to the Series.

Next year is a new season, we all start at the same place and hopefully it will be a sweet one for the Cards. The season will be here before we know it. The most positive news was probably the signing of Kyle Lohse and Dave Duncan. I feel we just need one more big arm in the starting rotation to make a huge difference next year and with Duncan back and leading this pitching squad , the Cards will be dangerous.

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