The Senior PGA – Day One

By Tom Anselm

Out on the course at the Senior PGA today at Bellerive Country Club today, and it was as lovely as expected.  The greens were like short-shag carpet, and as big as a parking lot.  Fairways expertly clipped, sidewalks shining, even the porta-potties are nicer than most homes’ commodes.  There were lots of people scurrying about, even on a relatively slow day.  One had to be extra-nimble to avoid the plethora of golf-carts-full of volunteers, VIP’s, drink cart girls and groundskeepers.  Talked to a few of the courses workers, and they were marveling at the weather, which was in the 70’s, a bit overcast and breezy.

Saw some of the greats today, with Tom Watson, Fred Funk, and Jay Haas leading the pack.  Oh, and Ozzie Smith was in Watson’s foursome in the Pro Am.  He hit a better approach to the green than Watson. Could have been a Hall of Famer in this sport as well, is my guess.

I sure do wish I had invented khaki shorts.  Man, a roughly-estimated 87.675% of guys sported them, and I’m not talking about the workers and caddies.

I will wear my camo and madras at all times when on the course for the next few days.

Oh, and much to my dismay, there is no Blue Gatorade in the Media Center. Lots of orange, red and original green.  But no blue.

I think I will just have to make a formal protest to the PGA tomorrow.

And today, the big news is that the US Golf Association, the governing body of golf, banned the use of the anchored putter, better known as the belly putter.

Bad news for all bellies, I suppose.

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