Hazelwood’s Recycle Day at Outlet Mall June 6 Encourages Public to Clear Clutter

Hazelwood will host its 5th Annual Recycle Day on Saturday, June 6, at St. Louis Outlet Mall near the IceZone from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The event is open to both residents and nonresidents, with no drop-off charges. The theme for this year’s event is “Make Recycling Part of Your Life.” Members of Hazelwood’s Green Committee hope to encourage the public to make recycling a daily habit. Helping citizens know what can and can’t be recycled and urging them to take a “Pledge to Recycle” are designed to motivate them to recycle.

Midwest Recycling Center (MRC) is accepting most items with a power cord or requiring batteries; however, televisions will NOT be collected this year. MERS/Goodwill will collect furniture, household items, and items for babies and children, including clothing, accessories and toys. In addition, Shred-It will be on-site to destroy residents’ personal documents and Republic Services will have dumpsters for single-stream recycling items.

“Recycling has become the normal way of dealing with discards,” said Hazelwood Green Committee chairman Ron Darling. “Most of the items collected at our Recycle Day have reached the end of their product lifecycle and can be fixed and reused again or sold as parts to create a completely new product. This helps us save our natural resources and minimizes the amount of trash that goes to our landfills.”

Recycling offers not just environmental benefits, such as conserving resources, saving energy, and reducing air and water pollution as well as landfills, but also helps to stimulate the local economy. Jobs that have been created include those at Republic Services’ Hazelwood facility where recyclables are sorted and processed. In addition, the process of turning collected recyclables into new products creates a chain of activity that can trigger business expansion, increase profits and revenues, and help to grow the economy.

Hazelwood’s Green Committee is composed of resident volunteers, business leaders and elected officials who meet on the fourth Tuesday of every month at Civic Center East, starting at 5 p.m. Chairman Darling, said, “Anyone interested in sharing green ideas is welcome to attend and become a member.”

   Recycle Day is open to all St. Louis County Residents.

What’s Accepted . . .

   Midwest Recycling Center

Business electronics, software, video and audio equipment, phones, medical equipment, power tools, large and small appliances, dehumidifiers, lawn and garden equipment (gas must be removed).


Baby and children’s items, furniture in good condition, books, games, CDs, athletic equipment, collectibles, household items, small electrical items, tools.


Bank statements, credit card invoices, private papers.

Republic Services

Single-stream recyclable items (cardboard, newspapers and magazines, office paper, junk mail, aluminum cans, plastic containers, cartons).

And What Isn’t

Televisions, mattresses and box springs, construction materials, fluorescent/CRT light bulbs, thermostats, smoke detectors, pianos/organs, batteries, tires, hazardous materials (paints, solvents, chemicals).



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