City, Hazelwood West Students team up against Litter

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Briana Barr, 2014 Miss Hazelwood, leads other Hazelwood West classmates and parents in picking up litter and trash in Hazelwood.

Miss Hazelwood, City Green Committee, West High School Students Team Up Against Litter


The City of Hazelwood’s Green Committee partnered with 2014 Miss Hazelwood Briana Barr to organize a joint litter pickup event involving three teams of Hazelwood West High School students. On Saturday, May 2, one group picked up litter and trash on the high school grounds, and two others headed for the Dunn Road/Brown Road intersection and Utz Lane.

When Barr approached the Green Committee about increasing recycling opportunities at the high school, Hazelwood Green Committee Chairman Ron Darling saw this as an opportunity to involve local youth in monthly litter pickup events. In 2013, the Green Committee adopted the Lynn Haven/North Lindbergh intersection for regular litter pickups.

“We feel this section of Hazelwood is one of the main entry points into our community, and we want this area to look clean and beautiful in order to give visitors a good impression of our city,” said Ron Darling.     “With participation from local high school students we can cover a larger area and pick up more trash in a shorter time period.” In addition, Hazelwood West High School students who volunteer for litter pick-up events will earn community service hours required for graduation. Both groups hope to schedule more joint litter pick-up events

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