The Bridge at Florissant Honors Veterans May 18

The Bridge at Florissant will have a special Memorial Day ceremony Monday, May 18. Retired U.S. Marine William Rupp, a resident of the Bridge at Florissant, will serve as the master of ceremonies. Rupp, a distinguished and decorated World War II veteran, was named the 2006 Veteran of the Year by the Pentagon and is one of nineteen veterans honored in a book titled Distinguished Veterans Who Made a Difference. As part of the ceremony, Rupp will present each Bridge at Florissant veteran with a medal of appreciation that he designed.

Many distinguished guests will take part in the ceremony honoring the veterans, including retired Admiral John Zerp of the U.S. Navy, retired Lieutenant Colonel Ron Neubauer of the U.S. Marine Corps, First Lieutenant George Newell of the U.S. Army and retired Colonel Bob Leeker of the U.S. Air force. Katharine Lawton Brown of the Radio Arts Foundation will provide music for the ceremony.

“We are so pleased that we are able to honor our veterans this way. They’ve done so much for us and it’s a privilege to show them a small token of our gratitude during this ceremony,” stated Rachel Giffhorn, General Manager of the Bridge at Florissant.

The Bridge at Florissant is located off Parker Road at 1101 Garden Plaza Drive in Florissant. For more information, please visit



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