Column Gives Freedom to Write My Views, But Readers Have Voices, Too

Tom Anselm pg 2 (run color this tgime)A Boomer’s Journal

By Tom Anselm

I have many blessings in my life, not the least of which is my wonderful wife and family. One of those blessings is be able to express my opinions every two weeks in this newspaper.

And to have a very understanding editor who gives me plenty of space to vent my spleen, hopefully producing something readable and not too far off the mark. I have tried to do well by that responsibility, to provoke a thought here, an idea there. Maybe bring a tear, or a smile. I may not always succeed, and I appreciate the tolerance of and comments by readers. So at the end to this week’s installment, you can find my email. Please feel free to contact me at this address.

Opinions are like lips… everyone’s got them, and they let loose words that are irretrievable. Once voiced, they are out there for better or worse. I am following in the tradition of my dad, Emil, who would write an occasional letter to the editors of the long-gone Globe-Democrat, and the current Post-Dispatch, which has run about 20 per cent of my letters.

I’ve been known to talk back to the TV, rant about commercials or newscasts, much to the lovely Jill’s chagrin. And resigned tolerance. I often tell myself, “Self,” I say, “Leave it alone. Why does that bother you?” Which is wasted breath, since I can’t help myself. I did about seven of those “I’m Just Sayin’” spots on KSDK a few years back, after sending them at least 20 scripts. (I am not ‘just sayin’” this to pat myself on the’s that I just can’t shut up!)

About 12 years ago, the now-defunct North County Suburban Journal had a feature called “Opinion Shapers”. I was chosen and got to do that for a few years. Then I pitched an idea to the editor for a regular column, and “A Boomer’s Journal” was born.

When that North County edition fell to the wayside as a result of cost-cutting by the owners, I was correspondingly left in the dust. That’s when Bob Lindsey, the owner of this paper, took me in off the street. That was in 2010 and, amazingly, here I still am.

This same Independent News reaches a lot of people in our region, with a circulation of 27,000 homes with each of its 33 yearly issues, and a website not getting over 55,000 page views monthly. That is an impressive number of potential readers. A lot has been said in recent years about the demise of print media. But there still seems to be a place for it, reaching those people who like the feel of a newspaper and appreciate quality community coverage.

I hope I am doing my part in this. I may have a good idea on occasion. Something I say may trip your trigger. You may like what I have said, or have a bone to pick with the content. Some people are so kind as to mention this column when I see them, and for this I am always grateful.   My aim is always to be relevant, to write something meaningful. But, sometimes my aim ain’t so good. So let me know, either way, wouldja be so kind?

I would be remiss not to mention here the CEO of Anselm Enterprises. The first copy editor of anything I write. That is, of course, my girlfriend of 43 years, Jill. If my words pass her muster, then it goes to the publisher. If not, it’s back to rewrite.

I would love to hear your thoughts as readers. Please consider sending me a note, suggesting a topic, or taking me down a few notches if need-be. I love the feedback.

(Editor’s note: To send a comment to Tom, write to He promises to read and respond to all.)


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