Super Bowl Should Be A Great Game

**Randy Gardner photo**By Randy Gardner

It has been almost three weeks now since the first of the year and my new year’ s resolution to get into better shape, guess what. I have run twice. Does this sound familiar?

The reason I bring this up again is that almost everybody that I have talked to about the exercise resolution has already failed. If you are not one of those, congratulations! You are on your way to a better you in 2015.

Never Leave a Big Game too Early

Stop and ponder this for a minute. You spend hundreds of dollars on a playoff ticket to a football game and then you leave early only to miss what only a thousand dollars could buy you. That is what happened in Seattle this past weekend as they were getting stomped by the Packers.

In a city where the fans are insane about sports they were leaving in droves and then the Seahawks had their magical comeback. Just think if that situation had played out here, the dome would have been about 20 percent full because the St. Louis fans would have given up and tried to get to their cars so they didn’t have to wait in traffic. Maybe all the fans can learn something from this, that it is not over until it is over, as a great New York Yankee (and St. Louisan) said.

Looking at the games this past weekend, I was on the fence with Seattle and Green Bay. Either could win and I would have been happy but when Green Bay linebacker Clay Matthews put that dirty hit on Quarterback Russell Wilson on that interception I started routing for Seattle. There was no reason for that hit at all. I know football is a tough game and everybody is fair game on the field but to hit a quarterback like that we he has no chance of making a tackle is ridiculous, ultimatety that is what ended Kurt Warner’s career.

On the other hand, good thing the game wasn’t played in Indianapolis between the Colts and the Patriots because then I would say for the fans to just get up and leave, (ignore my previous paragraph.) I don’t know if the Colts played that bad or if New England just played that good. Either way, it will be a great football game for the Super Bowl.

Next Few Months will be Interesting

Looking ahead to the next few months in St. Louis sports: the Blues are on a tear to make a run at the Cup which is always good to see, the St. Louis Ambush have a few more home games left and the Cardinals will be reporting to Spring Training in a few weeks. The Cardinals Care Winter Warm-Up over the weekend wets the appetite of baseball fans. The great weekend weather added to the excitement that pitchers and catchers report next month in Florida.

It is hard to believe how fast times flies as you grow older.

Only time will tell what will happen with the future of the Rams. As I talk to people about it, they are almost split on what they think will happen, but almost all say that they hope the teams stays.

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