24-Hour CVS Pharmacy Approved by City Council

The Florissant City Council finally approved the re-zoning of the property located at 696 & 698 N. Hwy 67 to allow for a new CVS Pharmacy, which will operate a 24-hour drive through pharmacy, retail and medical clinic. It was approved on March 9 after having been delayed a few times at previous meetings.

The new pharmacy will be located on 1.49 acres where the former Culpeppers restaurant was located in the Florissant Meadows Shopping Center and includes 13,225 square feet 60 total parking spaces and drive-thru services.

The council passed a bill that allows the transfer of a special use permit from Chicago Steak and Lemonade to ALMA group, doing business as Hawaiian Grill for a sit-down, carry-out restaurant at 2575 N. Hwy. 67.

The restaurant is located in Ward 9. Councilman Ben Hernandez represents this ward and spoke in favor of the transfer. “This establishment has changed hands several times during my tenure,” he said. “The only difference is the menu again. Hopefully petitioner will have great success in establishing a restaurant there. It’s a great location by True Value.”

The council held a first reading on a bill that would authorize Mayor Tom Schneider to enter into a contract with St. Louis County for municipal ordinance prosecution in the St. Lois County’s municipal courts mental health / jail diversion program.

Schneider said he was not requesting three readings and a vote that evening. He suggested they follow the normal procedure of holding the second reading and vote at the next council meeting.

“Our court is not as equipped as St. Louis county to handle cases where we detect that there might be mental illness involved,” Schneider said, “so this an improvement over the way we are handling it now where we don’t really have the personnel that are trained to handle people that may be challenged by some type of mental health issues.”

In other matters, Schneider told the council that he once again met with Gov. Jay Nixon to encourage the governor to keep the Florissant License office under the management of the Rotary Club. (see page one story on Rotary Club Rally March 21)

-Carol Arnett

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