Missouri Highway Patrol Investigates City Golf Course’s Missing Money


The Missouri Highway Patrol has been called into the investigation of two city employees at the Florissant Golf Course for allegedly embezzled money from the course.

Mayor Robert Lowery said in an interview that the city had asked the State Highway Patrol to investigate. Lowery said the city asked the patrol to investigate to avoid any appearance of conflict of interest. He noted that the patrol has a criminal investigation division. He also said the division has an accountant on staff and is equipped to handle this sort of crime.

The alleged theft was discovered, Lowery said, when a golf course customer alerted the city. The customer, a man from Chesterfield, thought it was strange that when he paid by check at the course, he was instructed to make out the check to three initials, not the Florissant Golf Course. He then noted when the check was cleared that it was endorsed by an individual, not the course.

“He brought this to the attention or our director of finance,” Lowery said. Randy McDaniel, the director of finance, then alerted the Florissant Police Department. The decision was then made to ask the Highway Patrol to investigate.

The mayor also explained that Grand Jury subpoenas have been issued and served by the Florissant Police Department on a banking institution to further the investigation. Lowery also said that the city has been in full conversation and discussion with the office of the Prosecuting Attorney of St. Louis County.

Lowery said that the initial findings indicate at least $46,000 was taken, but more could be discovered as the investigation continues. “We haven’t looked at all the books yet,” he said.

Although the mayor would not confirm the names of the individuals being investigated, the course manager’s name Joe Anatra and photo has been removed from the golf course website.

The course is currently under an interim management, Lowery said. “A part time employee has been running things,” he said. “We will make a decision regarding the management soon.”

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