Time for Taking A Plunge For the Special Olympics

The 2015 Polar Bear Plunge at Creve Coeur Lake is set for Saturday, Feb. 28, starting at 1 p.m. All proceeds benefit Special Olympics Missouri’s year-round program of sports training and competitions for children and adults.

More than 17,000 Special Olympic athletes participate in 21 competitive sporting events throughout the state. The Polar Bear Plunge is a project of the Law Enforcement Torch Run® for Special Olympics Missouri (SOMO). Various police departments, highway patrol units, correctional centers and other law enforcement agencies host 13 such events throughout the state.

The Polar Bear Plunge in St. Louis, which takes place at Creve Coeur Lake, has evolved into one of the largest fund-raisers for Special Olympics. It is co-hosted by the Hazelwood Police Department and the Maryland Heights Police Department with assistance from the Pattonville Fire Department. Last year, this event raised over $128,000.

In recognition of its efforts in making the St. Louis event a big success, the Hazelwood Police Department was recently presented with SOMO’s 2014 Outstanding Agency of the Year – Region 8 award.

“We get a great response from local high schools, companies, and sports organizations that are willing to put together a team of 10 individuals for this ‘unbearable’ event. Many of them dress up in creative ‘team-themed’ costumes or swim suit attire and show their bravery and support for Special Olympics athletes by walking, running or crawling into the frigid waters,” said Hazelwood Lt. Andy Eagan.

Organizers ask those putting together teams to keep in mind that this event is family-oriented and there will be young children watching. Participants must be age 10 or older and raise a minimum of $75 in pledges from their relatives, friends and co-workers by the event date. Everyone who signs up will receive an official commemorative shirt and be eligible to win prizes for reaching the various fund-raising goals. They can pre-register online at www.somo.org/plunge.

In addition, people can mail offline donations to: Special Olympics Missouri, 2945 S. Brentwood, St. Louis, MO, 63144. Please include your name in the memo line of the check.

The event begins on Friday, Feb. 27, at 1 p.m. Participants who register for the Super Plunge must raise a minimum of $2,500. These individuals will be taking a plunge in the frigid water 24 times on the hour, every hour, for 24 straight hours. The last plunge of the Super Plunge will be the start of the regular Polar Bear Plunge event on Feb. 28. Two Hazelwood police officers, Dan Bridges and Scott Lloyd, have already committed to take the plunge.

For more information, go to www.somo.org/plunge or contact Lt. Andy Eagan at 314-513-5251 or Tracy Davis at 314-961-7755


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