Reds Barbecue Moving From Ferguson; One of 2 New BBQ Places Coming to Florissant

By Jeremy Thomas

A popular Ferguson barbecue place that was forced out of business on West Florissant Ave. is planning a move to Florissant. It’s one of two barbecue restaurants that made presentations to the Florissant City Council meeting on Monday night Jan. 26. Red’s barbecue will look to make a new home at 8471 North Lindbergh, with a spring opening targeted.

“It’s unfortunate that we will be leaving our Ferguson location and all of our loyal customers in that area, but we are very excited and eager to provide our one of a kind style of barbecue to the great town of Florissant,” Petitioner Varun Madaksira told the council last week. Red’s will be open seven days a week from 10:30 a.m. – 10:30 p.m. It will serve the same menu with customer favorites like snoot, barbecue brisket, wings, and rip tips. They are targeting an opening date sometime in April.

The other barbecue business looking to make Florissant home is AJB’s Barbecue. Petitioner Anthony Barber, who has worked as a barber cutting hair for 18 years, wants to move AJB’s to 18 Patterson Plaza Shopping Center (next to Nagels). The business will serve several items such as barbecued pulled pork, various sandwiches, brisket, wings and more.

“I love food, I have been around food all my life. I helped run a restaurant in Chicago for several years,” said Barber. “I have a true passion for interacting with people and providing exceptional customer service, along with providing great quality food. My business is overjoyed at the opportunity to provide this beautiful town with top of the line barbecue,” Barber said. The business is hovering around an early spring time opening date. It plans to be open seven days a week from 11 a.m. – 9 p.m.

CVS Rezoning Delayed Until Feb. 9

During the meeting the council discussed and passed several bills on the agenda. The council voted as a whole to post-pone a bill regarding the rezoning of a CVS Pharmacy until the next meeting on Feb. 9. This is the second consecutive meeting in which the council has voted to post-pone this bill.

The council passed a bill for the transfer of $37,000 from the Asset Forfeiture Funds in escrow, to the Forfeiture Revenue Account, and to the Forfeiture Expenditure Account. These funds will be used for police training and the purchase of various equipment for the police department.

The council passed a resolution that supports the City of Florissant application to the East-West Gateway Council of Government Transportation Improvement Program in 2016 for the North Lafayette Street Reconstruction Phase II.

The council also passed a bill that will allow a two way stops at Cortez at Encinada, northbound and southbound.

A bill was passed to allow the transfer of $8,200 from Miscellaneous Revenue account, and $8,200 from the Capital Improvement Fund, to the Capital Additions Police account for a grant received from the State of Missouri Department of Public Safety to purchase ballistic shields.

Another bill that passed will authorize $60,000 from the Park Improvement Fund to the Capital Additions fund for the Nature Lodge Erosion Repair.



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