Ferguson-Florissant School District Will Hold Superintendent Candidate Forums Jan. 29 & 30

Finalists will meet with stakeholders at events throughout the District

The Ferguson-Florissant School District will hold four public events next week to introduce finalists for the role of superintendent. District residents, administrators, teachers, civic leaders, faith leaders and other community leaders are encouraged to attend.

There will be two public forums. One will be held at 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 29 in the auditorium at McCluer South-Berkeley High School, 201 Brotherton Lane in Ferguson. A second will be held at 6:30 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 30 in the Hub at McCluer High School, located at 1896 S. New Florissant Road in Florissant.

At the public forums, attendees will be invited to submit written questions and comments for the candidates, who will be introduced individually and will speak for one hour each. Feedback will be compiled and provided to the Board of Education for further review following the meetings.

Members of the community are also welcome to attend and observe the superintendent candidates’ meetings with District administrators at 10 a.m. and meetings with civic, community and faith leaders at 2 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 30 at the Ferguson-Florissant Administration Center, located at 1005 Waterford Drive in Florissant.

“The search process has produced some very exciting candidates whom we look forward to presenting to our community,” said Mrs. Leslie Hogshead, superintendent search committee chair and Board of Education vice president. “Each of the individuals brings strengths that have the potential to positively impact our schools under their leadership. We feel fortunate to have this caliber of finalists from which to select.”

More information about the candidate finalists will be shared soon. The board intends to make a final decision regarding the District’s next superintendent in early February.


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