Hazelwood District Recognizes United Way Campaign Pacesetters

The Hazelwood School District presented its 2014 Pacesetter Awards to four schools for their participation in the District’s recent United Way of Greater St. Louis annual workplace giving campaign. The schools were recognized at the January 13 Board of Education meeting for having a minimum of 60 percent of the staff at that site donate to the campaign.

The schools and building coordinators recognized were: Arrowpoint Elementary School – Plessie Ellitt; Brown Elementary – Chris Spanberger; Townsend Elementary – Maxine Valdez; and Hazelwood Northwest Middle School – Carrie Sansone. Overall, the District raised more than $37,000 for the United Way campaign.

“The Hazelwood School District community has traditionally reached out to help our neighbors, and our recent campaign is another example of our staff’s generosity,” said Supt. Grayling Tobias. “I want to thank everyone who supported this year’s campaign. It is another way we can pull together to make our community even better.”

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