Only 2 candidates for Mayor in April election

Mark Behlmann to Challenge

Tom Schneider for Mayor

   Only 1 Race For City Council

By Carol Arnett

It will be a two-man race for Florissant Mayor in the April 7th election. Incumbent Mayor Tom Schneider is running for re-election. He will be challenged by Mark Behlmann.

Filing for candidates closed Tuesday, Jan. 20. This was the last day that candidates could turn in petitions and signatures required to be on the ballot. The signatures have been sent to St. Louis County for verifications which is expected by Friday.

Behlmann was one of five challengers to Schneider in the last mayoral election in April 2011. In that race, Behlmann came in third, behind Schneider and Susan Geerling. Schneider received 3,803 votes, Geerling received 2,410, and Behlmann received 2,312. He has been a member of the Hazelwood School Board for several years.

Four of the five council members up for election will be running unopposed. Tim Lee (Ward 1), Joe Eagan (Ward 3), Keith Schildroth (Ward 5), and Jackie Pagano (Ward 7) are all running without opposition.

Ben Hernandez, the incumbent in Ward 9, faces two challengers, Tommy Siam and Doug Stuart.

Judge Dan Boyle is also running unopposed.

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