All Good Things Come To an End Even For Fascinating Olympics


Can you believe that so many things can come to an end in just a few weeks time? Lets first start off with end the end of the Olympic games. I was truly sad to see them come to an end. I sat and watched as much as I could, it was very exciting.

I told myself at the beginning that I wasn’t going to watch a lot but I was glued to the TV. There were so many great stories including probably the best of all Michael Phelps. Can you classify this guy as the best Olympian ever? I don’t know, there are strong arguments all the way around. Now, if he comes back and participates in London in 2012 and wins even more gold, then let’s talk.

There was also so much controversy around the games also including the
Chinese gymnasts who looked like they were in the third grade and the facts of the U.S. only winning four golds in judged events compared to 27 for the Chinese.

I have heard a lot of talk about trying to figure out a way to get judging in the events to be fairer. I say lets have kids judge these events. They are brutally honest and you know the truth hurts sometimes. At least it would make it interesting to see what the judges what do anyway.

Jackson’s Play Will Determine Fan Reaction

Now onto the second ending, that would be the close of two chapters with the Rams. The first, the holdout of Stephen Jackson. It was quit interesting to see and hear the reaction of the fans at the Dome as they booed him when his picture was put onto the jumbotron.

I think the average person like you and I who struggle to pay our bills and keep food on the table for the family can be in tune with a guy who wants $9 million instead of $8 million a year. Honestly though, no matter what the stance is from the fans, if Stephen Jackson comes in and does well, all will be forgotten.

Isn’t it a shame that this can happen but on the other hand, if he has a bad few games he might be booed right out of town. By the way, the Rams looked pretty darn good on Saturday night against the Ravens. I really like the rookie Donnie Avery. Keep an eye on him.

Turning 40 Not So Bad

Now onto the final chapter in things coming to an end and that would be my 30s. I always looked at 40 as being old and I dreaded getting there. Well, I am here and it has taken a few days to really understand that it is only a number. I was really bummed out for several days but I look around and everyone says that 40 is the new 20.

Does that mean I get to do it all over again? Besides a few crackling bones and ligaments from some old soccer injuries, all is pretty well. I might not be able to play in competitive sports anymore but I sure do love watching, reporting, and critiquing the ones that do.

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