A Christmas Light Cruise Through Florissant

A house on South Jefferson Street is lit up for the season.
A house on South Jefferson Street is lit up for the season.

By Nichole Fetters

As a child, every Christmastime my parents would drive our family around town after dark to ooh and aah over the neighborhood homes decorated for the holiday. We would pick out our favorites; which had the brightest lights and which had the best Santa’s sleigh perched atop the roof. As a child, I found this time of year absolutely amazing.

As an adult, not much has changed; though it is my husband driving in the seat next to me, and instead of cups of hot chocolate we’re sipping on peppermint mocha lattes.

Still, though, the Christmas music serenades us through the car radio and I’ve got my camera in hand ready to seek out the brightest, most decorated homes in the Florissant area.

A house on Clark Street.
A house on Clark Street.

The Fetters Christmas Light Cruise has become a little tradition of ours, sparked by the memories my parents gave me. Even as an adult, or perhaps especially as an adult, the reason for the season is abundantly clear – taking in the little moments that we’re given. Sure, my husband could have been watching football and I could have been crocheting my little heart out, but there is only one time a year when your town will light up each night and provide a little bit of festive fun.

So grab a peppermint mocha latte and your spouse, your best friend, your dog even, and get in your car, jam the Christmas tunes, and take a joy ride through the festive streets of Florissant. Hurry, before the season is over.

A house on St. Eugene.
A house on St. Eugene.

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