A 2nd CVS Pharmacy Planned at Florissant Meadows Location, City Honors Families who Hosted Block Parties

By Jeremy Thomas

The Florissant city council discussed and passed several bills at its meeting Dec. 1 including one for another CVS Pharmacy on the site of the old Culpepper’s at Florissant Meadows.. The council also congratulated and acknowledged nine different individuals and families for the efforts for hosting block parties throughout the year.

Mayor Thomas Schneider presented the award certificates to the group that included the following: Earl Burgdof, Diana Sikora, Kevin C. Enz, Gary and Dianne Lehmann, Matt Benning, Jaime Jenkins, Paul and Jen Baxter. They all received a standing ovation.

“I just want to thank all these wonderful individuals for putting time and effort into hosting fun and successful block parties, I look forward to seeing many more citizens contributing to hosting block parties,” Schneider said.

There was one public hearing regarding a request to rezone property at 696 and 698 North Highway 67 for a CVS Pharmacy. The rezoning will change to property’s zoning from a B-3 Extensive Commercial district to a B-5 Planned Commercial District to allow for the operation of a 24-hour drive through pharmacy, retail, liquor sales and medical clinic.

Four bills were up for second reading at the meeting. All of them were passed by the council. The first was a bill to authorize a special use permit to Lu Lu Chinese Express for a sit-down, carry-out restaurant at the property located at 8461 North Lindbergh, which passed unanimously.

An bill authorizing a special use permit to Jimmy Johns to allow for the operation of a sit-down, carry-out, and drive through restaurant for the property located at 370 North Highway 67 was passed.

The council also passed a bill that would provide a boundary adjustment between St. Louis County and the City of Florissant. The adjustment concerns property on Humes Lane owned by the Florissant Valley Fire Protection District. The district would like to sell the property, but part of it is in the city and part of it is in unincorporated St. Louis County. The rezoning will allow the district to sell the property with adjoining property already in the city.

The council passed a bill authorizing the mayor to enter into a contract with the law firm of Lewis, Rice & Fingersh, represented by John M. Hessel, for legal services for the city of Florissant from Dec. 1, 2014 to Nov. 30, 2016.

Two other bills were read but not passed. One would amend the Floodplain Management Ordinance and the other would authorize the mayor to enter into a program agreement for federal funding for the St. Anthony Lane Bridge Project.

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