Rams Last Minute Lose Bring Back Thoughts of Life-Changing Decisions

**Randy Gardner photo**By Randy Gardner

Can you ever get any closer to victory than the Rams did Sunday during the San Diego game. After a great game both on offense and defense, the Rams drove the ball down to the 3-yard line with under a minute left. Instead of running like they have been successful at all day, they decided to call a pass play and the worst thing happened, they were picked off and the game was over.

I feel that this was the one play that was the turning point of the season for this team.

If you score, you most likely win. The record for the team is almost at .500 and you have some games at hand to look for the chance of a wild card berth.

Now, the team sits in a position to be lucky at getting to that .500 record. I say this all the time that one second in time can change your life whether it is on the sporting field or at work or in a relationship.

Stop and think for a second on things that have changed your path in life. If you would have done something differently that you would not be where you are today. I think back that the only thing I ever wanted to do was be a professional soccer player or a professional drummer. Broadcasting was 3rd on the list.

When I was cut from the St. Louis Ambush, I was devastated. I thought that every thing I had worked for was gone. I then pursued my drumming career and eventually could not fulfill that dream either after several trips to Nashville. I had my education to fall back on and I went into my chosen field of broadcasting.

I look back now and appreciate that I was cut from soccer and unsuccessful in drumming because I would not be doing what I am doing now. Every life has many different paths and sometimes it takes a while to find the one that you are supposed to be on.

Don’t ever give up on your dream. I talk to a lot of atheletes that almost gave up but overcame the odds and are where they want to be. There are so many people that will tell you that you can not do something but believe in yourself. Make your dreams come true.

Thanksgiving Turns to New Year’s Resolutions

The holidays are here, and that means food galore. The average turkey dinner I heard was about 4000 calories. No wonder why we eat and then fall asleep. Good thing that we don’t eat that way everyday. There will be so many New Year’s Resolutions again this year which include mine on losing that extra 20 pounds. Will you keep them? It is hard to do.

I say it every year and usually don’t keep them. I am going to try my hardest this year. I have been doing a lot of research and I always want to lose all 20 in one month. The key is to lose at a steady rate over several months. Start slow and stay steady. Give yourself many months to lose the weight and get healthy.

Remember, the kids learn from examples of parents and loved ones. Lets make this a great year for everyone. Happy Holidays.


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