Governor Nixon Praises Hazelwood Students During Visit to West High

Governor Jay Nixon meets with West High students, Supt. Grayling Tobias and Hazelwood West High principal Dennis Newell.
Governor Jay Nixon meets with West High students, Supt. Grayling Tobias and Hazelwood West High principal Dennis Newell.

Governor Jay Nixon congratulated students and administrators in the Hazelwood School District during a visit at Hazelwood West High School on Oct. 23. Nixon held a student round table discussion about public education and took questions from West High students about college and career readiness, MAP scores, grade point averages and other educational topics.

The Governor commended the district during a school assembly after meeting with students.  Nixon cited the district’s 82.9 percent score of a possible 100 percent on the 2014 Annual Performance Report by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.

“I was impressed by the students. The other thing is that, with the additional rigor of MSIP-5, getting that score in the mid-80s here is a good solid step,” said Governor Nixon. “ I think especially with the continual move forward in attendance, graduation rates and going on to college here, this school district is clearly, clearly headed in the right direction.”

During the school assembly, Nixon took a moment to recognize West High teacher Chris Holmes, the 2014 Missouri Teacher of the Year.

“This visit shows the governor recognized what I already knew — we have outstanding staff and students in the Hazelwood School District,” said Hazelwood District Supt. Grayling “Acknowledgement from our state’s top official is a testament to the excellent work of our students, staff, and community.” (story provided by the Hazelwood School District Communications Dept.)

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