Oscar Tavares Shows That Today is a Gift; Tomorrow is Uncertain

**Randy Gardner photo**By Randy Gardner

I always talk about life being short and living every day to its fullest, but we rarely stop and think about that statement until something happens like the death of Oscar Tavares. I didn’t realize that so many people were predicting that he would be a great ball player and hitter, like Albert Pujols.

Looking back at franchises across Major League Baseball, I am not sure that any have had as many players lose their lives as the Cardinals have. It is really gratifying to see the outpouring from Cardinal Nation, especially from the Cardinal management and ownership. It really shows that St. Louis is a great place to be part of the baseball family.

World Cup Ratings Up; World Series Numbers Down

Yesterday, I heard a very interesting fact on TV. It was that the Men’s World Cup game drew twice as many viewers as the World Series. People have laughed at me for years, because I talk about how soccer has become a major contender in the U.S. market. The other interesting fact is that television viewers for the Women’s World Cup games are also extremely high. It’s great to have the local Missouri team, the Royals, in the World Series, but the fact that the Royals are in a small market really hurts the national television ratings. If the networks could have it their way, it would always be New York, Boston, Los Angeles and teams such as that in the big game. Remember, like all businesses, television and radio are driven by the bottom line, sometimes more than the final product.

Parents: Give Children an Opportunity to Grow

To all parents out there who have children who play sports, really stop and take some time to analyze what they are experiencing as a player. Are they getting the best coaching environment that will help them achieve their goals or is it a situation where they feel trapped? Ask them how they feel and if they are where they want to be. If not, look elsewhere. It’s okay to switch teams; sometimes a change of venue for a child can really maximize their potential. Sometimes coaches will pigeon-hole a kid into a role and never let them truly develop. Some kids have a ton of potential and it is the coach’s job to bring it out in them. It is not about the coach; it is about the child.


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