Veterans’ Parade in Florissant Nov. 9

A spectacular Veterans’ Parade followed by a presentation of the Veteran of the Year award will be held on Sunday, Nov. 9 beginning at 1 p.m.

This year’s Parade Marshall is David D. Miller, who was last year’s Veteran of the Year. The guest speaker this year will be the 2008 Veteran of the Year Carl Hargus, who served in the Army for 25 years, retiring as a Sergeant Major in 1980. He completed two short terms and two extended long terms in Vietnam with the Special Forces. He earned the Combat Infantryman’s Badge, Bronze Star Medal and Meritorious Service Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster, Purple Heart Medal, and the Army Commendation Medal among other numerous service medals, citations and badges.

Veteran of the Year award goes to Joe D. Quick for his dedicated service to our nation in the Army during the Korean War and his continuing service to veterans and to the community in the following years. Quick enlisted in the Army as a teenager in December 1948 and after basic training he served on occupation duty on Okinawa until June 1950. After a tour in Korea he served three years in the Army Reserve. He has been an active member of VFW Florissant Valley Memorial Post 4105 since 1971 and has served three terms as the commander. In addition, he is a charter member of the Korean War Veterans Association Chapter 4.

The 2.5-mile parade begins at the corner St. Charles and St. Francois, goes east on St. Francois, one block south on New Florissant to East on St. Catherine, North on Waterford Drive, and ending at the James J. Eagan Center.

Following the parade there will be a presentation of the Veteran of the Year award. Refreshments will be served inside the Eagan Center for parade participants. Mayor Tom Schneider said that over 70 units will be participating, including military vehicles, drum corps, marching bands, elected officials and many others paying tribute to our veterans.

This event was first brought here at the suggestion of Mr. Norman Sirna, a member of the Veterans’ Commission. Schneider and the City Council invite everyone to this event to salute the men and women who have and continue to serve this great country in Army, Air Force, Navy, Marines and Coast Guard.





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