If Rams Pre-Season Game is any indication, it will be long season


All I can say is that I am sorely disappointed in waiting for an entire off season and summer to turn on the tube and see the horrible display of football that I saw on Saturday night out of the Rams.

I know it is preseason, the first game at that, but come on: Marc Bulger and all the others on offense looked terrible. Marc Bulger looked like a kid playing a mans game. He was very timid in the pocket and overthrew everyone. However, I was surprised with the nice play of Brock Berlin. He looked pretty good as he stood in the pocket and made some decent plays.
As far as the run defense, it stunk. The Rams gave up 340 yards on the ground.

It actually looked like when a parent goes out and plays with their kids in the backyard.

The Titans made it look that easy. Chris Long played a little more than I thought he would and I felt he played under his capabilities. He looks so huge in person but on the field he looks small compared to the offensive lineman.

I am really worried now about this team that will play at home this weekend against the Chargers. I am starting to maybe buy into some of the comments from my sports analyst on PrimeTime Sports (Channel 20) , John Parker who says that Marc Bulger is not going to get us anywhere– that he is a 3rd string Quarterback at best. I hope he proves us all wrong and I will be the first to say I am sorry about bashing him. Let’s go Rams.

Rams Should Hold the Line on Jackson

On the other hand on the Steven Jackson holdout, what the heck is going on? The Rams have told him that they will deal with him when he gets to practice but he wants it the other way. I understand that he is in the last year of a contract and if he gets hurt, he wants to be set for the future but let’s show some spirit for the organization and at least get to camp. This is ridiculous.

I hope that the Rams stick to their guns and don’t negotiate until he comes to camp. We might lose a few games without him but I think the fans would understand. We are all fighting to pay for our houses, insurance, and gas, and we don’t care that he needs a few more million to line his pockets. Stick to your guns Rams, this might set a mark around the league for many other players and teams.

Olympics Will Put Tears in Your Eyes

Have you gotten caught up in the Olympics like I have? It is awesome, I find myself watching the Olympic Games, every chance that I get. The night that Michael Phelps, the swimmer won the gold medal with his teammates in the 4×100, was the coolest thing I have seen in years. I had tears in my eyes as the passion for his sport and his country showed through.

I want more athletes to be that way, have that much passion or am I living in a dream world. We all know that for most of them it is all about money and that is it. It is so cool to hear the stories about how athletes overcame their struggles to make it to the Games.

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