Cards Finding Magic With Upcoming Stars

**Randy Gardner photo**By Randy Gardner

It’s difficult to write an up to date column when the deadline is before the big game but is published after the game is over, but that’s where I stand on Tuesday. By the time you read this the Cards have either wrapped it up at home or facing a Game 5 in Los Angeles.

There is no better place to wrap things up than at home. It is so cool to watch the game on TV with the kids and feel the enthusiasm and the aura of the crowd oozing through the TV.

Leading into this series I was unsure how the Cards would fare with all of the youngsters in the lineup but as we see year after year, they are the ones that are stepping up and becoming the game heroes. I think most people couldn’t see this team in the playoffs a without the likes of David Freese and Albert Pujols but they survived and flourished under Matt Adams and Matt Carpenter. Young guys who have come onto this roster and proved that they belong in the big leagues.

I always talk about being accountable to yourself for everything in life. Matt Carpenter wasn’t highly touted as a college player and actually put on weight and got up to about 250 until the coach told him one day that he was throwing his career away. From that day forward he set his mind straight, got a trainer and his mindset right and look at him today. Leadoff hitter for the Cardinals. Just looking at his frame, I can’t see him at 250. How cool would it be to see another I-70 series between the Cards and the Royals? Kansas City is playing some great ball right now too.

Rams Just Falling A Little Short

It is very unfortunate that this Rams team falls into the places that they do. They have so many ups and downs in a game. They continue to fall into the penalty trap that kills them; they make silly mistakes but then when they click on all cylinders they are on fire. That’s what happened Sunday as they mounted an epic comeback and I thought they were going to pull it off but they fell just short.

Looking back at the game, one mistake here or there that wouldn’t have happened and it would have been a different ball game. That’s sports though; you have to be mentally tough all the time. One play in a game can make a difference both positively and negatively.

I still have a lot of faith in this team, a .500 season right now is still attainable and I think they can make it happen. Monday night they will be at home on the national stage against the 49ers and a chance to turn things around. If you can’t get up for this one as an athlete you shouldn’t be playing.

Hopefully the fans of St. Louis will step up and show support and fill the Dome to the rafters and show the rest of the world that we are not only a great baseball town but a great football town as well.

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