Lesson Learned, Don’t Turn Off Rams Game or Take Leads For Granted

**Randy Gardner photo**By  Randy Gardner

Sometimes you get to the point where you just can’t handle it and that is where the Rams put my state of mind over the weekend. I left the house to go to the boys’ soccer games and listened in the car as the Rams built a 21-0 lead.

Upon turning it off and feeling really good about the team, I was blown away to turn the radio back on after the game and hear that the Cowboys had surmounted the biggest comeback in regular season Cowboys history to beat the Rams by 3 points. All I can say is what the *^%*.

I think that’ s the common denominator amongst most Rams fans this week. Beyond losing how about the shoving match on the sidelines between our a few players?. I don’t want to hear any explanation about it. I n fact I had’t even heard why they tussled and I don’t care.

This is something that is unacceptable at this level. I don’t put up with that as a coach with my boys teams and I would be putting my foot down as an organization and coach of a pro team. That makes the team look like a bunch of babies who are upset because things aren’t going their way.

Be a man and take responsibility for yourself. That is a concept that is almost gone in today’s world. Everybody, whether you are on the sports field, a job, a marriage or life in general is always putting the blame on somebody else for everything. Life and success is built on top of building blocks that you create for yourself. Nobody can motivate you but yourself.

It is up to you at any age to be the best you can be. I teach my kids on my sporting teams and my kids personally that you must be accountable to yourself for both successes and failures in life. When you think you have given all that you have, give just a bit more. Life is about giving 100% everyday in everything you do.

You never know who is watching at any given moment. Opportunities are won and lost everyday by the amount of effort that is given by us as individuals.

So What Else is New: Cards in Playoffs Again

Now that I have that rant out of the way, lets talk about baseball. I could write the same scenario and use it every year for this time of the year. Let’ s see, Cardinals are In the playoffs again. That pretty much says it all.

This year though I think will be a bit different. I think the team will have a tougher time going deep into the playoffs. No matter what happens, remember that we are lucky to have such a great baseball team, year after year. There are a lot of cities that never get a chance to see playoff baseball. So no matter what happens be proud to call the St. Louis Cardinals your home team.


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