Mayor calms fears in city after recent shooting incident

Mayor Robert Lowery addressed concerns about the recent shooting in the city at Monday night’s council meeting after some residents asked the mayor or council to comment.

Resident Kathy Wood said she was worried about the recent crimes in the city. She said people keep saying not to panic. “When do we start panicking?” she asked. “What are the plans to keep the city safe?”

“First, let me say that the girl who was shot is doing better,” Lowery said. “I also want to say that the police are making significant progress in the case. ”

Lowery said that all cities, including Florissant, have always had violent crime. “Every community is facing this,” he said, saying that crime is up all over. “Crime has happened since the beginning of mankind,” he said, “We will always have criminals.”

“Do I think anyone should panic?” he asked, “No.” He did, however, say that residents could help the police.

“In this case, the car that police believe was used was seen by some people who thought it was suspicious,” he said. But, he added, the people who saw the car did not call police. “I beg of you, if you have a gut reaction that something is not right, call the police,” he said. “If you don’t call, shame on you.”

Lowery also offered advice from his years as a police officer. “If someone should attempt to rob you, give up your purse or wallet,” he said. “If you fight, you will get hurt.”

Lowery said the city has recently added police officers and changed the police schedules to put more officers on the streets. “We’re doing everything possible to prevent this,”’ he said. “Suspicious cars and people will be stopped.”

After asking residents to keep the victim of this latest crime in their prayers, Lowery assured them that the police would be out in force. “You have a safe city,” he said.

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