2 Propositions on City of Hazelwood Ballot on Aug. 5th

7% Utility Tax Plus 1/4-Cent Sales Tax

Vote in Hazelwood on Aug. 5th Ballot

The City of Hazelwood will have two ballots issue in next Tuesday’s (Aug. 5) Primary elections including a 7 percent utility tax and a one-fourth-cent sales tax.

Similar to many cities in St. Louis County and throughout the country, the recession has been difficult for the City of Hazelwood. City officials list the following reasons for the two revenue generating proposals

• Assessed property valuations are down and the cty’s sales tax revenues show no significant gains.

• People who used to shop a lot are now spending less. Consumer spending has only gone up 2% a year since 2009, compared with 3% a year before the recession, city officials say.

• These economic factors, coupled with the lingering effects of the Ford plant closing in 2006, have caused city revenues to lag behind the cost of providing vital municipal services such as fire, police, street maintenance and repair, recreation and other essential items

The City Council has placed Propositions U & S on the Aug. 5th ballot saying these proposals are essential to saving the city’s current level of services and maintaining the quality of life most residents have taken for granted.

The City of Hazelwood is known for its high quality of municipal services that maintain public safety, provide fire and emergency medical services, and keep the roads and parks in good condition. City revenues haven’t kept pace with the cost of these services, thus the city is seeking operating revenue sources to maintain these services.

The two proposals on ballot are:

   Proposition U is a restoration of a 7% tax on utility use on residential properties. Hazelwood is the only known City in St. Louis County that does not currently collect this tax on residential property.

For the average Hazelwood resident, this tax would cost about $3 a week. If the proposition is approved, this utility tax will be rebated to senior citizens age 62 and older.

   Proposition S is a quarter-cent sales tax increase to maintain emergency services such as fire protection and emergency medical response.

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