Germany Deserved to Win Cup; They Played The Best During Games

**Randy Gardner photo**By Randy Gardner

I don’t even know where to start this week as the World Cup came to an end. Unfortunately, I was unable to see the World Cup game live as I had a prior commitment but was able to see it on the recorder. I didn’t really have a team that I wanted to win as both teams deserved to be there.

I was pulling a bit for Argentina just because of Lionel Messi.I really enjoy the way that he plays the game, he is not a diver and he is not a complainer.

He plays the game and goes about his business. Even when he was presented with the Golden Boot as the best player in the Cup he stated that he did not deserve it. That is a real man.

The guy has a golden left foot though and is a pleasure to watch play the game. I was okay with Germany winning the Cup because overall this was the team that played the best all tournament long after the first game. They played as a team and had a lot of fan support.

The team that I felt the sorriest for was Brazil. What an epic case of destruction and embarrassment. The home nation losing 7-1 in the semifinals was absurd. They played somewhat better in the 3rd place game but to see them fall apart like that at this level is almost unbelievable.

Will soccer die now nationally for the next four years. Probably so. I wish that enthusiasm would carry over into the MLS, although there were 60,000 plus fans on Sunday night in Seattle to watch Clint Dempsey and Seattle play the Portland Timbers. That’s unreal numbers.

Germany Doesn’t Get to Keep the Cup Long

Something I did not know was that the World Cup does not stay with the team that wins for the entire year. They have to give it back after the celebration. The Cup is estimated to be worth about $10 million in 18 carat gold. It has been stolen a few times so it is always given back for safe keeping. The next games in four years will be in Russia.

Another interesting fact was that EA’s FIFA soccer video game actually picked the winner according to the web. Does that make you stop and think or does the game pick one of the favorites that might have a 50/50 chance. Either way it was a fun time for the world to come together and enjoy sports.. Maybe we should have the World Cup every two years, I will start the petition for that.

There were over 618,000 tweets per minute during final World Cup. The unbelievable use of social media made and broke some careers including the young lady who was signed to a Loreal contract after being seen on TV in the stands only to lose contract after a Facebook post from last year. Be careful what you do in the cyber world, one day it might come back to haunt you and cost you millions.

You never know who is on the other end.

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