Operation Food Search Launches new Restaurant Program

Operation Food Search, FEAST Magazine and more than 70 top local restaurants are partnering for a delicious restaurant campaign throughout the entire month of July. Participating restaurants have each created a special tomato-inspired dish to feature on their menu. Each time the dish is sold during this month-long campaign, Operation Food Search will receive a share of the proceeds to nourish hungry families. For a list of restaurants and their Tomato Explosion dishes, visit www.OperationFoodsearch.org or www.feaststl.com.

Operation Food Search and FEAST Magazine also are sponsoring a “Tomato Selfie” photo contest.   Entrants may post a photo of themselves or with their table guests enjoying their delicious tomato dishes via Twitter, Instagram and/or Facebook using the hashtag #TomatoExplosion to be entered in a contest to win a $100 gift certificate to their favorite participating Tomato Explosion restaurant. We welcome you to tag Operation Food Search and FEAST Magazine on Twitter, Instagram and on Facebook:

Operation Food SearchFeast Magazine

– Twitter:                      @OPFoodSearch                   @feaststl

– Facebook:                 /OperationFoodSearch            /feaststl

– Instagram:                 /OPFoodSearch                     /feaststl


“We invite the community to join us in celebrating July’s tomato goodness while helping to heal the hurt of hunger in the St. Louis region,” said Sunny L. Schaefer, executive director of Operation Food Search. “Tomatoes are loaded with valuable nutrients and have several health benefits. We hope that people will eat out often and try several of the luscious, tomato-inspired dishes created by our restaurant partners.”


“Diners are encouraged to share their fun by taking ‘tomato selfies’ with their Tomato Explosion dishes and posting them online to inspire others to open their hearts to help nourish our neighbors in need,” said Catherine Neville, publisher of FEAST Magazine.


For more information, including a listing of participating Tomato Explosion restaurants, visit www.OperationFoodSearch.org and www.FeastSTL.com

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