NASCAR Will Have Big Month in Metro Area Starting Saturday


What a week it will be for NASCAR fans around the St. Louis area as the Nationwide Series will invade Gateway International Raceway this Saturday night. The event will get a late start at 8:15p.m. so that for TV it accommodates the Truck race in Kentucky.

A lot of the Sprint Cup favorites will be there including our hometown boy, Carl Edwards who got his start racing around the tracks here in Columbia and St. Louis. Besides the big event at night, you can actually go out and walk on the track during the day for charity. Goo to the gateway raceway website for more information.

Then on Wednesday, July 23, a lot of drivers will also be at the 1-55 Speedway in Pevely to have a special race that will include Tony Stewart and many others. This will be cool as they will be driving their dirt track cars at Kenny Schraeders track. It is always a lot of fun to see these guys battle it out on the edge of losing control on the dirt. We will see you there; I wouldn’t miss any of the events all week long.

Who Would Believe Cards 10 Game Over at Break?

How about those Cardinals? I have heard a lot of people complaining about the team dropping a few here and there but come on folks. If I would have told you that the team at the beginning of the season, at half way point would be 10 games over .500, you would have said no way. But I will take it. Well they are and people are still complaining.

Yes, the Cubs are in first place and the Brewers are knocking on the door but it could be worse with all of the injuries they’ve had so far. It is a long season and right now at the All Star break, I think we are sitting pretty.

Brent Favre Shouldn’t Try Comeback

Can you believe Brett Favre? What is he thinking? This guy has nothing to prove anymore and he is talking about coming back. Sounds like he doesn’t want to be a Packer anymore.

It just won’t look right to see him in another uniform though. I am afraid that instead of being this great legend of the game that walked away at the top of it, he will come back and play for another team and end up like many others that just kind of drift off. Don’t do it Brett.

I want to remember this class guy as a starter for the Packers. I think most of the fans out there feel the exact same way. We will see though, money talks and I think he still had three years and 39 million dollars out on the table. That will buy away a lot of problems.

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