Rams Need To Make Dome Improvements; Reassure Their Fans


So much to talk about this week as I started the week off with a bang. I don’t know how many of you listen to country music, but there is a great song out right now by George Strait that talks about him seeing God today through the birth of his baby girl.

I never talk about politics or religion, but I saw on Monday truly a miracle as my second child was born. Nine hours of labor for Angela came to an end as out came another boy into this world. After hours of pleading my case, I convinced my wife to name our boy, Chase. I love that name. Finally she gave in. So Chase it is.

My love goes out to my wonderful wife Angela and all mothers out there. I see why women give birth to babies, because us men couldn’t handle the pain.

Talking about pain is the topic of the week as many people feel the pain of the thoughts of the Rams franchise being sold and moving away form St. Louis. Will it happen? I don’t know. Just a few months ago, the new ownership promised that the team was here to stay but the question has come up now.

Chances Are the Team Will be Sold

I think that the team will eventually be sold, probably not though until after the 2008/09 season. Hopefully, the group will stay true to its promise and sell to a group that will keep them here. If we lose this franchise, you can bet on not getting another franchise maybe ever.

We are starting to hear so many negatives about why it’s going so badly here in St. Louis, from the stale atmosphere at the Dome to the team being a transplant team from Los Angeles. Wake up, maybe the Dome issue has some validity but the transplant thing is ridiculous. What is the difference if the team came from somewhere else or they just started a new franchise here? Afterall, the Rams originally started in Cleveland.

The dome has some issues. In my eyes the lighting is horrible and graphic and video boards are small, but let’s be happy we have a team. Back through the three years when they were winning, I didn’t hear these complaints. Everybody was having a grand ole time.

Now the waters are a little rough and everything is horrible. The team has a clause in it that the dome has to be in the top certain percentile to stay in its lease that runs until 2015. I have heard that the dome is making $30 million in improvements this year . I’m hoping for huge scoreboards and video boards along with the wrap around the stadium message signs like at the Scottrade Center and maybe some glass in the ceiling to let some sunlight in the building.

After that is all said and done though, the team has to put a winning product on the field or none of those changes will make a darn bit of difference. It would be really weird to see us go from the best sports city to one that wouldn’t be able to support a professional NFL football team. Hopefully everyone will wake up and realize what we have because sometimes you don’t realize what you have ’till its gone.

Then what are we going to do on Sundays…tbecome a Chiefs fan or a Bears fan. Hopefully we will never have to make that decision. Rams gold and blue, through and through for me.

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