Hazelwood Studies Security Upgrades for Residents, Staff

The City of Hazelwood is currently evaluating a range of options to increase security for residents, public employees, city staff and elected officials.

Options under consideration include expanded use of metal detectors for meetings at City Hall. These detectors have been used for the Hazelwood
Municipal Court for several years.

“It is my understanding that city staff have been thoroughly investigating a wide range of options in order to increase security at city facilities,” said Mayor T.R. Carr.”

The city has a number of facilities to consider when implementing any option. “We have the City Hall, Civic Center East, the Community Center and the Aquatic Center that is currently under construction,” said Carr. “Any plan that is developed by city staff will consider all of those facilities.”

“We want to adopt a program that will provide the greatest level of security possible while allowing residents access to City facilities”.

City Manager Ed Carlstrom has been meeting with Police Chief Carl Wolf, and with other department heads to develop a comprehensive strategy for all of the facilities within Hazelwood.

Some of the increased security measures will be readily apparent to the public while other measures will be implement quietly and will not be announced in order to achieve a higher degree of security to employees and to the public.

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