JFK Rededication event held on 50th Anniversary of his Death

Students outside of JFK Center on Nov. 22


Local students reflect a moment of silence at the exact time President John F. Kennedy was killed in Dallas on the 50th anniversary of his death.

Local Students Attend Rededication Of JFK at  50th Anniversary Event


A brief ceremony to rededicate the recreation center at Koch Park in honor of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was held last Friday, Nov. 22. President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas Texas on Nov. 22, 1963 at precisely 12:30 p.m. Central Standard Time fifty years ago this year.

Robert G. Lowery, Sr. former Mayor of Florissant, filled in for Mayor Thomas P. Schneider who was recovering from minor surgery. Lowery gave a keynote address to the public including his personal reflections on his affection for President Kennedy and where he was when he received news of the assignation. In attendance were students from Lawson School, Sacred Heart School and St. Angela Merici School, along with local residents from the area and members of the Chamber of Commerce.

Mayor Schneider  had requested that all churches in Florissant toll their bells in funeral fashion in unison starting at 12:30 p.m. on  Nov. 22 for 46 seconds, one second for ever year of the young president’s life. Everyone in Florissant was encouraged to observe a moment of silence for whom the bells toll.

At 12:30 everyone listened to hear church bells toll for 46 seconds followed by a moment of silence for the President slain exactly 50 years ago.

Lowery answered questions from the students about the historic but solemn day in American history.   Afterwards, cookies and beverages were served there were conversations about were had about where you were and who were you with on that fateful day and that mournful weekend.


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