Florissant City Council Held Two Hearings

Family Video Will Be A Family Dollar Store

City Council Legal Fees Approved

By Carol Arnett

City of Florissant logo   The Florissant City Council held two public hearings Monday night including Family Video request before the council to ask for approval for a masonry building addition and access driveway for the property at 3524 Patterson Road.

Tim O’Toole of Family Video spoke for the business. The addition will be 1,020 square feet in the back of the building. It will be used for storage. The addition will match the existing building. O’Toole said that Family Video was closing its location.

Family Dollar will be moving in. Council President Jeff Caputa said that there would be a similar business close by and asked if that would affect Family Dollar’s plans. O’Toole said that since Family Video was closing, the other option was to leave the building vacant. The Marco’s Pizza next store to Family Video will remain open.

In the second hearing, Circle K came before the council to ask for permission for a directional sign to direct traffic at the business at 1545 S. New Florissant Rd. This is the intersection of Dunn Rd. and New Florissant Rd. Jason Buxton spoke about the sign.  The sign will direct carwash customers to go to the back of the store. Buxton said that there was confusion about the traffic flow at the business. The sign will be four feet tall and will be flush to the ground.

Councilman Keith Schildroth agreed that the traffic at the business was bad and said that he supported the sign. No one spoke in opposition at the hearing and the council held a first reading on the bill authorizing the addition.

In other matters , the council:

  • Approved a bill that would approve $10,000 for professional services for the purpose of legal counsel for the City Council. City Attorney John Hessel said that he cannot represent the council because of a conflict of interest. This allows the council to hire outside counsel.
  • Approved a request for a transfer of a special use permit from Sipp to Smoke Session to allow for a cocktail lounge at 1833 Dunn Road.
  • Approved a request for a full liquor license for Smoke Session at 1833 Dunn Road.
  • Passed a bill to appropriate $8,000 from the Park Improvement Fund for diagnostic services for the Koch Park pool.
  • Passed a bill that will change the speed limit on a section of Derhake Road between Pohlman Road and St. Catherine St. The new speed limit will be 25 miles per hour.


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