Kennedy Recreation Center Rededicated on Nov. 22

Florissant Mayor Tom Schneider will host a brief ceremony to rededicate the recreation center at Koch Park in honor of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy. This Friday (Nov. 22)  marks the 50th anniversary of Kennedy’s assassination in Dallas.

Schneider will deliver a presentation that he has delivered to dozens of schools located in Florissant. The presentation reflects on the life and death of Kennedy and how he affected the nation. An audio recording of Kennedy’s inaugural address will be included in the program.

Kennedy was assassinated at 12:30 p.m. Schneider has requested that all churches in Florissant toll their bells in funeral fashion starting at 12:30 p.m. They would toll for 46 seconds, one second for each year of Kennedy’s life. He encourages residents to observe a moment of silence after the bells toll.

Weather permiting, attendees at the rededication should assemble outside the front entrance to the JFK Center at 12:20 p.m. At 12:30, attendees will listen to the church bells and observe the moment of silence before proceeding into the JFK Center foyer.

Schneider will then deliver his remarks near the original 1971 bronze plaque at the JFK Center and the portrait of President Kennedy.

After the presentation, light refreshments will be served. Attendees are invited to reminisce about where they were and who they were with on the fateful day 50 years ago.

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