F-F District Places Superintendent Art McCoy on Administrative Leave

Art McCoy has been placed on administrative leave by the Ferguson Florissant School District.

Larry Larrew is acting superintendent


The Ferguson-Florissant Board of Education voted 6-1 on Nov. 6 to place superintendent  Art McCoy on administrative leave. McCoy has been superintendent since July, 2011. No timeframe was set on the administrative leave period.

According to board president Paul T. Morris, the decision reflects differences in focus and philosophy between the Board and superintendent and is not an indication of wrongdoing.

“As this is a personnel matter, we cannot disclose further details; however, the board feels that it is in the best interest of the district to address this situation by placing the superintendent on paid administrative leave as we work through the areas of concern,” said Morris in a statement.

The district’s chief accountability officer, Larry Larrew, is serving as acting superintendent.

“Educating the students of FFSD is the number one priority of the district, and the Board is confident that Mr. Larrew will provide capable leadership to continue our mission during this time,” said Morris.

McCoy has been  been with the  district since 1999. His salary was listed at $217,644 and  his contract  was renewed in April and  runs through June 2016.

McCoy has led the district is accepting 430 transfer students from two unaccredited districts and helped raise money to assist with transportation cost for the transferring students. He addressed the state legislature in September on the need for more comprehensive support for failing schools. He told legislators  that transfers could continue if tuition was capped, to help unaccredited districts survive.


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