Archbischop Carlson is Keynote Speaker at NCCU Covenant Renewal

North County Churches Uniting for Racial Harmony and Justice (NCCU) will hold will its 12th Annual General Covenant Renewal Ceremony on Sunday, Nov. 17  at 3 p.m. at St. Ferdinand Catholic Church, at 1765 Charbonier Rd., Florissant.

There will be 12 Pastors participating, and for the first time over half will be Catholic priests including two Monsignors.

Keynote speaker will be for the first time Archbishop of St. Louis Robert J. Carlson.  President Rance Thomas said that “we are delighted and honored to have Archbishop Carlson participating with us this year. We are also delighted to have choirs from Christ Our Redeemer AME and St. Ferdinand Catholic Church singing for us this year.”

Dr. Thomas  said ‘that “we are looking forward to inducting Holy Name Jesus Catholic Church of Bellefontaine into NCCU as our 23rd Church.”  As a new member church, Holy Name Jesus Catholic Church will be presented with a plaque specifying that it is a member and committing its congregation to work to promote racial harmony and social justice in North County

For the last 12 years, NCCU has held a General Covenant Renewal Ceremony at various NCCU churches.  Thomas said that “we like to move around to our various churches, because this offers our churches the opportunity to come closer together and renewing their commitment to North County.”

This ceremony is open to the public both members and non-members alike are welcomed to attend.  Our guiding principle was and still is:  “If God loves each person unconditionally, how can we not do the same?”

A reception  will follow offering  attendees the opportunity to meet the Archbishop and fellowship

NCCU is an Organization that was organized in 1998 in an effort to bring people of different races together around some positive activities to help them gain a better understanding of one another.  It was organized in an attempt to stabilize the community that was in a state of flux as the demographics were rapidly changing.

As a result, we have sponsored and cosponsored workshops, community forums, conferences, an annual health screening and health fair, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Celebration, North County Youth Task Force, Computer Academy, Oratory Essay Contest, youth and adult awards programs, etc.

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