Senior Citizens Town Hall Meeting Draws Big Crowd

Mayor Tom Schneider speaks to Florissant residents at the Town Hall meeting.

By Carol Arnett

Mayor Thomas P. Schneider held the Town Hall meeting for the Senior Citizens of Florissant on Sept. 19 at the James J. Eagan Center that prompted a wide variety of questions and a packed audience.

Crystal Creek Health and Rehab Center provided the free breakfast for residents. Several agencies and businesses of interest to seniors set up tables to speak to residents before and after breakfast.

Three hundred senior citizens listened to Schneider and City of Florissant Department Heads give updates on what is happening in the city and in their departments.

“This is a popular event,” Schneider said in an interview before the meeting. “Seniors built this community,” he said. “They invested their money, time, effort and affection and are still very involved.”

Schneider said he wasn’t sure how long the meeting has been a tradition in the city, but it was a tradition he was happy to continue. “It helps keep our seniors informed and lets them know that their input is still valued in the city.”

Florissant Police Chief Timothy Lowery talks with a resident after the town hall meeting.

At the meeting, Schneider updated residents on recent and upcoming developments. He said that there were some developments coming up that he could not yet discuss, but that he was excited about.

Schneider also told residents that he and the council were working on next year’s budget. He assured residents that there were no cuts planned in senior services.

Police Chief Timothy Lowery received applause when he said that the city had a new sign ordinance to discourage signs at rights-of-way in medians.

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