Cards’ Fast Start Has Fans Excited


It looks like we are going to have a very crazy season this year in the world of baseball for the St. Louis Cardinals, but it could be crazy good! I know there are some fans out there already saying that we are heading to the World Series. Yes, things have started out well, a lot better than we’ve expected but let’s keep this in perspective.

We are only about 15 games into the season. It is really nice to see the pitching rotation hold its own here at the beginning and the guys who we weren’t sure of are really producing along with the regulars like Albert Pujols. It’s a fun time to go to the game in April when the team is winning even though you have to wear your overcoats and mittens. It reminds of fall baseball as the Cards headed for the World Series two years ago. Hopefully we will need our warmer attire again in late October.

Rams Get No Schedule Breaks

Onto football, its hard to believe that the Rams are just a few months away and their schedule was released this week. Many are already saying, this could be anther tough one for the Rams with eight home games this year that are spread out with long road trips during a few of the months. There’s not an easy games in the first six weeks.

This will definitely be hard on a team in which we are not really sure about. This, as we have said before, is a make or break year, especially for the coaches. I think many in this organization did not get the best dealt handed to them, but sometimes that can make a team stronger knowing that it is going to be tough right from the get go.

Also, the NFL has implemented a deal in weeks 11-17 that a game or teams can be moved to Sunday Night Football so that the matches will be good on National TV. Is this good or not? I don’t really know which way to go on that. For TV revenue it’s great but for players and fans, it can be rough as schedules have to be changed at the last moment to accommodate plans. We will see how it goes this year. Let’s go Rams. Remember the draft is next weekend.

NHRA to Rock Gateway May 2-4

All of you NHRA fans out there, the NHRA is coming in just a few weeks as they will rock Gateway the weekend of May 2-4. If you have never been, you have to get out and experience this in person. It will rattle your bones. I can’t wait to take my four-year- old this year. I really think that he is going to love it.

Remember this is not a sport for just the guys as many think of it. The place is packed with women and kids also. It’s a great time for all. Oh Yeah!! Bring your earplugs, you will need them!!

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