Council Seeks More Information on CVS Plans at New-Florissant Dunn Rd.

By Carol Arnett

The Florissant City Council continued the public hearing for a CVS location in the city at Monday’s meeting. The hearing was continued from the last council meeting.

At the last council meeting, several council members asked for further documentation from CVS regarding cross-access agreements with neighboring properties.

John King spoke for CVS at the hearing. The drugstore would like to build a store at the intersection of Dunn Road and New Florissant Road, where a BP station currently stands. The CVS would also take the vacant building to the north of the BP station.

Councilman Tim Lee said that the only thing the council did not have was a cross-access agreement with REK, the owner of the property next store on Dunn Road. King said the company was in the process of getting the agreement.

Councilman Mark Schmidt asked if CVS was working with MSD, and King concurred that they were.

City Attorney John Hessel said that the council did not need to keep the hearing open to wait on documents. “We usually close the public hearing and then get MSD reports and traffic studies before the third reading,” Hessel said. The third reading is when the council votes on the bill that would allow the project.

In other matters, the council held a first reading on a bill that would allow the city to acquire three properties from the county. Lee said that the mayor has been working with the council on this for a while. “This is the first step in acquiring three delinquent properties that the county owns for back taxes,” Lee said.

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