Vintage Costume Display At Taille de Noyer on Oct. 6

A vintage costume showing, featuring some of the extensive clothing collection,  will be presented by the Florissant Valley Historical Society on Sunday, Oct.  6 at 2 p.m. at Taille de Noyer, 1896 South Florissant Rd. (on the campus of McCluer High school).

Dorothy Ernst, an historical society board member and curator with a great deal of knowledge about the collection will speak about some of the many clothing styles, uniforms and accessories from the 1920s’ era .

A wine a cheese reception will follow. There will be tours of the home that began as a log cabin about 1790 then became a fur trading post,  a hunting lodge  and finally the 23-room family home of descendants of  John Mullanphy.  This 350 acre plantation eventually turned into McCluer High School Campus with an historical home as part of it.

Admission is $10 For reservations or additional information please call (314) 275-9957 or (314) 838)-4536

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