Men’s Healthy Happy Hour At Christian Hospital Sept. 12

Christian Hospital  will offer Men’s Healthy Happy Hour and Health Screenings on Thursday, Sept. 12 at Christian Hospital Detrick Building Atrium – Ground Floor from 4:30 – 7:30 p.m.  Space is limited; please call 314-747-WELL to make your reservation.

Know your health score with FREE screenings, Prostate (blood Test Only), Cholesterol.  Blood pressure  Breathing Test   There will also be men’s health information, educational booths and an Ask the Doctor booth.

Prostate screenings are recommended for:

• Men aged 40 and over with family history of prostate cancer

• African-American men aged 40 and over

• Men aged 55-plus who have not had a prostate cancer screening in the last year and have not already been diagnosed with prostate cancer.

Men  should also see their doctor for a complete prostate exam and diagnosis This free prostate screening consists of a PSA (prostate Specific antigen) blood test.

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