Think of Christmas When School Shopping

It’s not to early to prepare for Operation Christmas Child, say organizers of the project. As parents and children pick up their school supplies, Operation Christmas Child urges them to think of others and buy some supplies for a Christmas gift to a child in another country.

Operation Christmas Child is a massive year-round project of Samaritan’s Purse, an international Christian relief and evangelism organization, in which participants fill shoe boxes with school supplies, toys, necessity items and letters of encouragement for kids overseas.

“Individuals and families can take advantage of all the Back to School sales to purchase items to pack in their shoe box gifts.  The great price allows you to help more children in need,” says Operation Christmas Child local volunteer, Jim McCaughan.

This shoe box packing effort, requiring months of organization and preparation, will reach approximately 8.5 million kids who are suffering because of natural disaster, disease, war, terrorism, famine and poverty. For many of these children, the shoe box will be the first gift they have ever received.

Since 1993, Operation Christmas Child has hand-delivered shoe box gifts to more than 100 million children in 130 countries.

Because of the distance some of the boxes travel, they are collected in November. National Collection Week is November 14-21.

Step-by-step shoe box packing instructions are available at

For more information on how to participate in Operation Christmas Child and where to find local collection sites, call Linda Logsdon, area coordinator, at 636-300-3190 or visit

Although National Collection Week for gift-filled shoe boxes is November 14-21, shoe box gifts are collected year-round at the Samaritan’s Purse headquarters in Boone, N.C.

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