Hanna Orrick is Principal for a Day at Russell Elementary

HANNA ORRICK, a fourth grade student at Russell Elementary, spent a day as the school principal after winning a contest.

The Principal for a Day contest not only gave the winning student an opportunity to shadow the school’s leader, but it also raised money to buy new picnic tables for the school.

As part of her duties, Orrick assisted Principal Patrick Lane in presenting awards to students for their achievements in academics and conduct during 3rd Quarter Honors Ceremonies. At four separate assemblies, Orrick stood at the podium with Lane and instructional specialist Phil Pietroburgo to congratulate fellow students with certificates and handshakes. Honorees walked down a red carpet to the podium and were greeted with big smiles.

Orrick’s day as principal began first thing with helping with the announcements. “I stood with Mr. Lane at announcements, but I didn’t read them,” she said.

Throughout the day, she walked the building with Lane to look in on classrooms to see what was happening, spent time in his office reviewing paperwork, and took care of whatever needed to be done. The only times of the day that she spent with her classmates were lunch and recess.

“Principals have to do a whole bunch of stuff,” she said. “It’s a big responsibility to be able to do work and be on time.” She said that she learned that being on time was very important to the job.

Being a principal is something that she might want to do some day, but her dream job would be to become a veterinarian.

“I love animals,” she said.

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